UW Health values each employee and provides evidenced based programs and initiatives to support personal well-being and a culture of well-being throughout the organization.

Employee Well-being
Vision: engage, empower and collaborate with UW Health staff and physicians, and community partners to create a culture where health and well-being are supported and valued.
Mission: cultivate well-being through a concentrated focus on the dimensions of Emotional, Financial, Physical and Well-being in the Workday.

Peer Support
Peer Support is a confidential, legally protected service available to support the well-being of UW Health faculty and staff. Support from a peer has been shown to reduce distress and build resilience after stressful, traumatic events through confidential, social connections and emotional support.

UW Health Sustainability Program
At UW Health, we recognize that a healthy planet leads to healthy people. That’s why social responsibility is part of our mission for advancing health. This includes identifying and defining sustainable practices and enhancing the social, environmental and economic sustainability of our practices through various eco-friendly initiatives.

Green teams
Employees and faculty often lead our eco-friendly efforts by sharing inspirational practices and information with colleagues in their respective areas. Green teams are located throughout UW Health facilities and help spread the reach and awareness of maintaining healthy environments for ourselves, patients and visitors.

Recycled art project
One of the more fun and visual sustainability projects was actually born in the operating room as a way to divert vial caps, which are too small to recycle, from landfills. Not only does it produce beautiful visuals, it also gives staff and faculty from all areas a way to decompress from the stressors of their normal work day if they choose to help sort vial caps and enjoy casual conversations with colleagues. This fun project even gained media attention.