The UW Health Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Residency is conducted at the BerbeeWalsh Emergency Department at University Hospital in Madison, Wis.
This program is a broad educational experience designed to train pharmacists in all aspects of adult and pediatric emergency medicine. It will prepare pharmacists to work independently and collaboratively with the emergency medicine team to care for adult and pediatric emergency medicine patients at a Level I academic medical center.
About the Emergency Medicine Program
Residents in this program will develop confidence and competence through direct interaction with patients and other practitioners including emergency medicine physicians, emergency medicine residents, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, respiratory therapists, case managers and social workers.
Residents will develop the skills to manage all aspects of pharmaceutical care for emergency medicine patients across the spectrum of acuity in the emergency department. This will include active participation in all code stroke, leveled trauma, code blue, ED ECMO, code sepsis, STEMI, rapid sequence intubation and pulmonary embolism response team calls. Additionally, residents will be directly involved in culture review, medication order verification, review of discharge medications, patient and family education and education of ED staff. Residents will also have the opportunity to strengthen their teaching and mentoring skills through precepting APPE students and fourth-year medical students, as well as first-year pharmacy and administrative residents.
A unique program
UW Health’s Emergency Medicine Residency is unique in the fact that the resident serves as the sole clinical pharmacist in the Emergency Department for 20 hours every other weekend and on average four hours during the week. This level of autonomy early on in your training will foster confidence and clinical independence that will grow throughout the residency year.
ED pharmacists staff the Emergency Department 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and have been providing direct patient care in the ED since 2002. Pharmacist services are integrated into all aspects of patient care at UW Health.
Program contact
Joe Halfpap, PharmD, BCPS
UW Health Department of Pharmacy
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792
Phone: (608) 263-1290
Fax: (608) 263-9424
Current resident
Gabbi Ford – Meet our resident
Program summary
Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Residency (pdf)