Sports Medicine Exercise Science Student Interns may customize an internship plan based on specific educational requirements and professional goals/interests. The plan will be sensitive to the individual requirements of the student’s educational program and is developed based on the following categories:
Core Responsibilities
These objectives will become a mandatory part of the internship plan and will include:
- Mastering the intake and evaluation procedures for new members and patients wanting to participate in the various exercise programs at the Sports Medicine Center
- Becoming an integral part of programming goals unique to the semester
- Supporting staff in any of the components of the sports medicine center as need dictates (e.g., performing fitness evaluations for prospective clients, double-staffing the Fitness Center floor, assisting with an exercise class or lab testing)
- Assist with ongoing research projects or contract work
Program Electives
These objectives are choices that the intern can select once the core objectives are in place. Electives include:
- Providing in-service to staff
- Developing or implementing a survey related to customer service, use patterns, etc.
- Organizing an event or “competition” for members or class participants
- Developing and distributing advertising and PR materials including public service announcements or newsletter articles