- Interdisciplinary-related projects while on clinical rotations
- Service development projects while on applicable administrative rotations
- A publishable longitudinal research project
Presentation Opportunities
- Educational presentations and inservices on clinical rotations
- Group presentations with other UW pharmacy practice/administrative residents
- ACPE-accredited pharmacy grand rounds
- Longitundinal research project will be presented at the Vizient/ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Wisconsin Pharmacy Resident Conference or Great Lakes Pharmacy Resident Conference
- Podium presentation at local inter-professional meetings
Teaching Opportunities
- Clinical instructor status at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy
- Assist in precepting of fourth-year students and pharmacy practice residents on clinical rotations at the health system
- Facilitate and/or coordinate at least two weeks of Pharmacotherapy Lab during the academic year with an emphasis on topics that directly relate to ambulatory care
- Didactic lecturing at the School of Pharmacy
- Elective academia block rotation with a School of Pharmacy faculty member
- Optional Teaching Certificate Program for residents at area hospitals
Professional Development Opportunities
- Participation in weekly resident seminars – meetings with residency directors, director of pharmacy, speakers discussing clinical and administrative topics
- Participation in weekly Grand Round Interprofessional Lunch and Learn (presenter and facilitator)
- Assist in the development of guidelines and protocols
- Attend and facilitate applicable journal clubs and topic discussions
- Participation on a clinically-focused, patient care committee(s)
- Opportunities to interact with residents in PGY2 – critical care, emergency medicine, infectious disease, information technology, internal medicine, oncology, pediatrics, transplant, and others; PGY1 – pharmacy practice, and PGY1 and PGY2 – hospital pharmacy administration and leadership
- Support to attend one national peer meeting (ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, ACCP, APhA Annual Meeting)
- Support to attend Pharmacy Residents conference (Great Lakes or Wisconsin Pharmacy Residency Conference)