Activities while on the unit will include, but are not limited to:
- Rounding with the critical care team daily
- Patient monitoring/problem solving
- Investigation of medication error reports and adverse drug reactions
- Drug information and literature searches
- Attending codes
- Team-related projects
- Communication and interaction with pharmacists, physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and dietitians
- Contributing as a member of the critical care team
Other activities include:
- Assist in the development of guidelines and protocols
- Attend Pulmonary/Critical Care grand rounds, journal clubs and conferences
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support training
- Opportunities to interact with various residents: clinical PGY2s (ID, transplant, general medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, oncology, etc.), PGY1s – pharmacy practice and PGY1 and PGY2 – health systems administration
Travel opportunities include:
- Support to attend the either the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists or the Society of Critical Care Medicine Meeting
- Great Lakes Pharmacy Residents Conference
- Support to attend other meetings in Wisconsin
Projects include a major research project suitable for publication presented at the Great Lakes Pharmacy Residents Conference, Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin Educational Conference, Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting or the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Adult Acute Care Required Rotations (4 weeks unless otherwise specified)
- Medical/Surgical Critical Care (TLC) (minimum three rotations, with first rotation being 8 weeks)
- Nutrition Support (2 weeks)
- Neurosciences ICU/Neurocritical Care
- Cardiac Medicine ICU/Cardiac Surgery ICU
- Pediatric/Neonatal ICU
- Infectious Diseases (2 weeks)
- Emergency Medicine
Acute Care Elective Rotations
- Toxicology (2 weeks)
- Medical/Surgical Critical Care (TLC), extra rotation (4 weeks)
- Academic (longitudinal)
- Others based on resident interest
Education and Teaching Opportunities
Presentation Opportunities
- Pharmacy grand rounds interactive lunch and learn (GRILL)
- Pharmacy and nursing inservices
- Trauma conference (trauma surgeons and residents)
- Leadership of journal club and topic discussions
Teaching Opportunities
- Clinical instructor status at the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy
- Teaching assistant for Seminars in Critical Care class at the School of Pharmacy
- Co-preceptorship of fourth-year students on elective clinical rotation at the hospital
- Help precept pharmacy practice residents on elective rotation
- Didactic lecturing at the School of Pharmacy
- Optional teaching certificate program for residents through the School of Pharmacy