Adult Neurology Fellowship

Fellowship Coordinator: Cassie Meffert, PA

Program Medical Director: Justin Sattin, MD

Core didactics

  • Weekly neurology grand rounds (Category 1 CME)
  • Weekly pediatric neurology lecture series
  • Weekly resident conference
  • Stroke and epilepsy case conference
  • Subspecialty conferences as available
  • AAN neurology series
  • Neurology Coursera
  • Weekly brain cutting lecture
  • AAN conference

Rotations will include the following, as well as an elective rotation

  • Neuroradiology
  • Headache
  • Movement disorders
  • Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Dementia
  • Neuroimmunology
  • Epilepsy and EEG
  • Neuromuscular and EMG
  • Inpatient general neurology/consults
  • Stroke
  • Neurosurgery
  • Neurocritical care
  • Neuropsychology

Credential awarded

Certificate of completion issued by UW Health’s Department of Neurology signed by the Department Chair, Medical Director, Program Director and Associate Director(s).

Applications, if currently being accepted, can be submitted on the UW Health Careers page. View the current position listing