Conducting a nursing student project or rotation

There are many opportunities for nursing students at UW Health. If you are a nursing student at any academic institution and are interested in conducting a student project or rotation begin the process with the following steps:

  1. Nursing student will notifying their academic institution’s Clinical Placement Coordinator to let them know of their desire to complete a student project or rotation at UW Health. The academic institution’s Clinical Placement Coordinator will ensure that an Affiliation Agreement is in place between your academic institution and UW Health. If an Affiliation Agreement is not in place, it is the responsibility of the academic institution’s Clinical Placement Coordinator to complete this process.
  2. To ensure students are selecting the correct tract, refer to the table below to find which process to proceed with.
TrackDescription of who should applyApplicationSponsor/Preceptor resources
Nursing graduate student project at UW Health with a sponsorFor graduate students interested in conducting a project with a sponsor as part of a MSN, DNP or PhD program
For questions please email:
Nursing Students Academic Project Submission Form

Sample form (pdf)
FAQ for sponsoring a nursing student project

Sponsoring a graduate (MSN, DNP) nursing student project (pdf)
Nursing undergraduate student project at UW Health with a sponsorFor undergraduate students interested in conducting a project with a sponsor as part of a BSN program
For questions please email:
Nursing Students Academic Project Submission Form

Sample form (pdf)
Non-clinical Graduate nursing rotation (practicum/residency/mentorship) at UW Health with a preceptorStudents interested in doing a non-clinical rotation with a preceptor as a NES, CNS, manager, and leadership focus as part of an MSN or DNP program. For questions please email: NursingStudentsProjectsRotations@uwhealth.orgWork with your school placement coordinator to submit a student placement request through myClinicalExchange (mCE)
Clinical graduate rotation at UW Health with a preceptorFor graduate students interested in doing a clinical rotation with a preceptor as a nurse practitioner (NP), physician assistant (PA), certified nurse midwifery (CNM), anesthesiologist assistant (AA) and certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)
For questions please email:
Work with your school placement coordinator to submit a student placement request through
myClinicalExchange (mCE)
Clinical undergraduate rotation at UW Health with a preceptorFor undergraduate nursing students interested in obtaining clinical hours with an RN preceptor as required for a nursing program. For questions please email: NursingStudentsProjectsRotations@uwhealth.orgWork with your school placement coordinator to submit a student placement request through
myClinicalExchange (mCE)
Preceptor guidelines (pdf)