The Professional Advancement and Recognition program is designed to support professional development and to recognize professional contributions by occupational therapists and physical therapists at all points in one’s career.
The program serves as the formal process for promotion and advancement to develop and recognize clinical expertise.
The Clinical Case Presentation is used as a tool to assess practice at all four practice levels and follows departmental guidelines. The Clinical Case Presentation format asks each therapist to present a specific patient case and to discuss clinical decision making surrounding the patient’s care (i.e. evaluation, intervention, progress, evidence-based treatment with literature citations, lessons learned, etc.).
Along with their application, applicants seeking advancement to Advanced Clinician must submit written materials that provide detailed information about the applicant’s most recent Clinical Case Presentation and that specifically highlight the applicant’s clinical decision making throughout the patient/client management process. This written documentation should include:
- Applicant’s presentation materials
- Copy of initial note
- Power point presentation handout (if used)
- Any additional handouts provided at the time the presentation was made
Applicants should also include a reference list and paper or electronic copies of the 2-3 most important articles.